How Does the VA Help Veterans With Alcohol/drug Addictions…?
Question by marybuko: How does the VA help veterans with alcohol/drug addictions…?
…my next door neighbor is a Vietnam Vet and has a bad alcohol/drug addiction. He said the VA has sent him to drug rehabs, but he still has a substance abuse problem…and probably also has PTSD. Is it because Vietnam was an unpopular war and soldiers had a hard time getting readjusted in America after returning from combat? Can the VA help the veterans just so much, and then it’s up to the individual soldier?
Best answer:
Answer by calisurfergirl43
you can lead them to water but you can’t make them drink.. know that saying??? The VA can only do so much, he has to want and embrace the help… There are alot of local groups that help Vets of that war that are free. You can also go to the American Legion and VFW’s in your area… He should be able to get as much help as he needs through the VA.. Maybe you can find a friend that was in his unit for him to talk too. Noone understands what went on unless you were there. Other people alot of people just have hard times.. They need good support groups and lots of talking..
Answer by Brian Murza
They ASSIST with counseling and other assistance!!!! Yes the VA will DO all they can!!!! Tell (encourage) him to keep on attending!!!!!!
Please relay this message to the VIETNAM VETERAN; as I hope he gets well and WELCOME HOME MY BROTHER and NEIGHBOUR!!!!!
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