How Do You Help Relieve Prescription Pill Withdrawls?
Question by justkickinit: How do you help relieve prescription pill withdrawls?
My friend (seriously, not me) is addicted to prescription drugs like xanax and is trying to quit but he is getting huge headaches, loss of appetite, etc. How can he feel better? Is it just time he needs?
Best answer:
Answer by Bork
Read the Ashton manual found at It goes into detail about benzo addiction, withdrawals, and recovery. Dr. Ashton ran a benzo withdrawal/detox clinic for over ten years, and has extensive experience with benzo recovery. You will find information on what benzos do to your brain, how to taper, how to quit and recover, and you will even find a tapering schedule.
Your friend needs to switch to a mild long lasting benzo like valium, and then spend a long long time tapering his dosage to zero. This keeps the withdrawals from getting too bad.
Most other drugs can be recovered from in a few weeks, a few months at most. But benzo withdrawals can last over a year. Your friend needs to check with his doctor to make sure he quits these pills safely. If you abruptly quit, you can have a seizure or even die.
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