How Can I Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Yucca Valley, California?
Question by ahtziri s: How can I find alcohol addiction treatment centers in Yucca Valley, California?
My brother has been gobbling up way too much liquor for the past five months or so, and I’m terribly worried. His work has been badly affected by his alcoholism that he nearly got fired. I hope someone out there can lend a helping hand.
Best answer:
Answer by justme
You may also want to check with your local AA Chapter, they can be very helpful as well.
God bless and good luck.
If he has been drinking consistently and heavily the last thing he should do is stop on his own. This can be very dangerous. Get him to a hospital if you feel he needs to and will go. Otherwise, the first thing a treatment center will tell you is for him to take a drink if he feels he needs one. They will give him the proper medications to help him detox once he is there.
Answer by ANDREA
I found 3 in Yucca Valley area.
I would also try AA for him and Al-anon for you.
As a family relative of an alcoholic, you obviously suffer from your brothers illness. Al-anon can help you cope with your brothers illness.
your brother must be able and willing to want help, accept his disease and want to get well. You cannot do this for him.
I don’t know about California law but in Florida we have what is called Bakers Act where if someone feels that a family member is at risk to harm himself or another person, they can have that person hospitalized for 72 hours for psychological observation. Contact you local police department for more info for what is available in CA.
Alcohol Treatment Centers near Yucca Valley – Local Results
Rockin Recovery Center – (760) 228-3241 – 7301 Apache Trl, Yucca Valley, CA – 0.62mi – map
Alano Club – (760) 365-7687 – 57637 Yucca Trl, Yucca Valley, CA – 1.18mi – map
Joshua Tree Drug Court – (760) 366-8641 – 61605 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, CA – 5.53mi – map
Good luck to you and your brother.
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