GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab "Torture" Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition to

GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab "Torture" Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition to
Filed under: drugs rehab centres

The supposedly family-friendly group, however, relies heavily on funds from a pair of controversial Republican fundraisers who once led a drug rehab center shut down over wide-ranging child abuse scandals. Save Our Society from Drugs, a Florida-based …
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Bethlehem residents again oppose Abraham Atiyeh's drug rehab proposals
Filed under: drugs rehab centres

Moose & Bug Florist in Bethlehem View full sizeExpress-Times File Photo | LYNN OLANOFFDeveloper Abraham Atiyeh is proposing a 47-bed drug rehabilitation facility at the former Moose & Bug Florist on Linden Street and a 28-bed facility on Center Street.
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Former drug addict sues Scientology-based clinic after he jumped off balcony
Filed under: drugs rehab centres

Just last month, another rehab centre linked with Scientology was blamed for the death of three patients who allegedly spent five hours a day in a sauna for 30 days and were given mega-doses of vitamins. NBC revealed that seven people had died at …
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Generation Next – From Cocaine to Codeine [analysis]
Filed under: drugs rehab centres

THISDAY gathered that a number of students between ages of 18 and 27 are being suspended or referred to rehab centres for drug abuse in Nigeria. In a letter from one of Nigeria's best private university to a renowned psychiatric hospital known for its …


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