Finding Good Herion Addiction Rehab Centers?
Question by Ghena Hammond: Finding good Herion addiction rehab centers?
My husband is a heroin addict and hence i’m in search of a really good rehab center away from our home country. I need to know how to assess rehab centers i find online and what are your recommendations anywhere in the world. I’m not in search of a cheap (in terms of prices) rehab center yet not extremely expensive ones. I have a budget of 26,000 US$ and insurance is NOT paying for that. I also need to know what is considered to be an average length for a good program because some centers say 6 months and others say 4 weeks!!!! how can I know what is best for my husband.???!!!!!
P.S this will be the first time for my husband to get admitted to a rehab center. within 1 years he’s been on and off drugs 3 times. right now he’s not using heroin injections and never did. he’s only inhaling and smoking heroin. He has very low self esteem and no confidence in him self at all.
Best answer:
Answer by Mr Qqqq
I heard of a radical treatment place in Thailand that helps addicts to detox and get them off the gear..there was a programme on would be cheap, I guess. I think it’s run by buddhist monks or something. try google ‘thailand + heroin detox + buddhists’…it could work! One thing to be aware of is the proximity of thailand to the golden triangle, which manufactures most of the world’s heroin… this doesn’t mean it’s freely available everywhere, just something to be aware of. It probably indicates that they have their own methods to counter the problem of addiction. It might sound a bit radical and extreme, but detoxing from heroin in thailand and having a slightly healthy lifestyle and kind support when doing so might be better than trying it in some rank clinical medical surgery in some grey suburbs somewhere…good luck, hope this is some help..
incidentally, he will only be able to kick if it is his decision to do so I believe…i think 4 weeks is probably about right, but he might always be tempted so don’t expect the cure to last forever..he will need a lot of support.
Answer by love&light
Most treatment centers start at 28 days. The length can depend on the person and work they do in treatment and the assessment of the clinical team. The longer a person stays in treatment, the better the success as they are building a strong foundation to go home on. An average 45-60 days is a good gage.
Assessing rehab centers – my advise would be to ask a lot of questions. What is the programming, how many individual sessions will he receive, what is the treatment philosophy, do they work on just the mind or the person as a whole? A good center works on the mind, body and spirit. Is there a family program and how can you take advantage of that being in another country. Will you be in the states or where ever he is while he is in treatment? Does the center deal with international clients? What is the aftercare plan when he leaves?
I have sent a couple family members thru treatment and I absolutely know that you can have your husband back! A reputable center that I know of is The Sundance Center They have a doctor on site, treat the mind, body and spirit, deal internationally and truly care about the person.
Having the doctor on site assists with any issues that come up. Your husband may have to go to detox at a hospital first but that would be dependent on when was the last time he used prior to admission to the center.
Good Luck to you and your husband. I’m glad you are supportive in his getting sober. I know that was key in my husband getting sober and staying sober to this day! We were able to heal together and build a better life with each other’s support. I can say that the person I fell in love with is back and stronger than ever.
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