Even Some West Wing Aides Want Holder to Resign

Even some West Wing aides want Holder to resign
Filed under: alcohol rehab ct

But citing new controversies at the Justice Department, The New York Times reported Sunday that even some West Wing aides in President Barack Obama's White House now want Holder gone. “Over the course of four and a half years, no other member of …
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Obama calls for end to mental illness stigma
Filed under: alcohol rehab ct

… the December shootings at a Connecticut elementary school. The event was designed to encourage those struggling with mental illness to seek treatment, although some attendees noted the government needs to provide more resources to meet that goal.
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Bill Maher: 'I think the pope might be an atheist like I think Obama is'
Filed under: alcohol rehab ct

On Friday's episode of HBO's “Real Time,” host Bill Maher laid out the case that Pope Francis I might be an atheist, based on the pontiff's surprising recent statement that through good works “even the atheists” might meet Christians on the “beautiful …
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