Why President Obama Must Act on Mass Incarceration
Why President Obama must act on mass incarceration
That means fewer dollars for law enforcement, drug treatment and rehabilitation, and re-entry programs to reduce recidivism – all priorities with a better record than imprisonment at reducing crime. As noted in a Brennan Center report released this …
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State Investigators of Narconon Arrowhead Say They Were Wrongfully Fired
State Investigators Of Narconon Arrowhead Say They Were Wrongfully Fired
OKLAHOMA CITY -. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse started investigating Narconon Arrowhead in July 2012 after three people died at the facility in nine months' time. More than a year later, the agency fired Inspector General Kim… Continue reading
Drug Rehabilitation in Worcester, MA
Drug Rehabilitation in Worcester, MA — A short documentary called “And Then the Drink Takes the Man” by Varun Malkani about Community Healthlink in Worcester, MA. The movies focuses on the substan…
Central Mass. lawmakers push for local projects in state budget
BOSTON — Central Massachusetts House members have… Continue reading