I Can’t Volunteer at the Drug Rehab Is It Fair?
Question by : I can’t volunteer at the drug rehab is it fair?
The end of December I had to have my leg amputated. I have to take pain meds for PLP ( Phantom Limb Pain). Because I will test positive for opiates I can’t volunteer now. Is… Continue reading
Kurt Cobain? Suicide or Murder by That Rotting Waste of Space Courtney Breathing Up All Our Air……….?
Question by AMY M: Kurt Cobain? Suicide or Murder by that rotting waste of space Courtney breathing up all our air……….?
I truly believe that that horse-mouthed no good wh*rehouse had him killed. It’s in all the text that she had someone that had information on it pushed in front… Continue reading
Illinois Drug Law Question?
Question by : Illinois drug law question?
I have a spotless record, I mean I don’t even have a speeding ticket on my record. I am 32 years old. If I get busted with 3.5 grams of cocaine, what am I looking at in terms of jail time and fines?… Continue reading