Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program – No one wants to experience the effects of drugs and alcohol, but they are real. They come with consequences. Sometimes, it is not until the addict goes to rehab that he or she gets to understand what the drugs and alcohol do to the mind and the body.
Lawyer: Lindsay Lohan needs luck Filed under:drug and alcohol rehab program
In fact, Lohan acknowledged her drug and alcohol addiction in past court appearances. She's spent 250 days in five rehab facilities since January 2007, including one long court-ordered rehab stint after a failed drug test. Her father has been urging … Read more on Local 10
Pa. drug abuse summit scheduled Filed under:drug and alcohol rehab program
“Professional doctor-shoppers,” as experts call them, see 10 doctors at once and often three or four a day, said Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director at Gateway Rehabilitation Center. Many of them abuse the drugs and … Thursday's summit, at 6:30 p.m … Read more on Tribune-Review
Why higher benefits won't solve child poverty: Duncan Smith says addict … Filed under:drug and alcohol rehab program
Giving more benefits to poor families will not address child poverty because too many irresponsible parents will spend it on alcohol or drugs, Iain Duncan Smith has warned. The Work and Pensions … 'It is trying to help the poorest in society be able … Read more on Daily Mail