Drug Addiction?
Question by Lucyann D: Drug addiction?
Hi my partner is addicted to weed, he’s been smoking for two years every night about 2 to 3 spliffs a night. Now he wants to quit but can’t because he’s struggling to sleep at night please help we need this sorted because he cant sleep??
Best answer:
Answer by jadedestiny22
look up local NA meetings (Narcotics Anonymous) or speak to a physician who can prescribe a non-habit forming sleep aid for the first few weeks. Because he was so used to the effects, it will be tough (mood swings and restlessness) but it shouldn’t take too long to overcome. Good luck!
Answer by chris
get him to go to a local youth club. he may not be a youth but they offer support classes to people addicted to smoking weed to injecting heroin. they are brillaint. they offer 24 hour help. he will be off it in no time
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Yes, because addiction changes the brain in fundamental ways, disturbing a person's normal hierarchy of needs and desires and substituting new priorities connected with procuring and using the drug. The resulting compulsive behaviors that override the …
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… how it works and why it's up for debate. Throughout the article, Guardian readers who responded for an earlier feature on heroin addiction recount their own experiences with the anti-overdose drug. … Without prompt medical attention, an overdose …
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The findings support the idea that gambling addiction has a neurological basis and so could be treated with either drugs that target certain regions of the brain, or psychological counselling that aims to counter the distortions that result in …
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How addiction changes your brain — CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta says the brain is “rewired” when someone becomes addicted.
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