Drug Abuse Help Near Dallas Tx?
Question by : Drug abuse help near Dallas Tx?
Hi! I’m 19, living in dallas tx, and I’ve got a drug problem. I definitly need some help and was looking for something like AA. However the only group therapy groups I could find want 40-60 bucks, and as a young drug abusing idiot I have none. Is there any hope for me yet?!?!
Best answer:
Answer by Jerry
Not to be rude, but your credibility as a drug user is slim to none. Forty to sixty dollars is roughly a gram of some sort of powder. There’s a reason that your parents didn’t give you money. You’re my age, I’ve been to AA three times and each were roughly 200 bucks. That would be neat if they were only forty to sixty. But I don’t think you should degrade yourself by saying that you are a drug abusing idiot. People abuse drugs, it’s my favorite! But when you try and trick people into giving you money for your bad habit, that makes you look bad, dude.
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