Does Anyone Else Have a Parent With a Drug Addiction?
Question by Shae: Does anyone else have a parent with a drug addiction?
Does anyone else have a mother or a father with a drug addiction? Im 15 now and my brother is 23 our mom has been doing drugs on and off since we were living. Our grandma stays with us so its not like she abandoned us when she does drugs. Right now shes on drugs and im really truly sick of it. If she can go 4 years without smoking or doing drugs why cant she stop forever. I know she can stop because she always has a positive attitude and wants to do well but when she gets stressed or very angry she turns to drugs. If you have a parent on drugs how do you deal with it or how did you deal with it?
Best answer:
Answer by Rezwan
so sad
Answer by lynette h
Find a friends house to go to while you think she is under the influence, some parents don’t know how to deal with stress so they turn to the easy ways drugs it can take away the feeling of their stress for a bit but the problem will still be there. Suggest a vacation instead of drugs. Good luck
Dog Helps Parents Sniff Out Drug Abuse in Children
NBC 7's Candice Nguyen reports on Chewy, the drug-sniffing dog, and why parents are enlisting his help to protect their families. Dog Helps Parents Sniff Out Drugs. Link; Embed; Email. Copy. Close. Link to this video.!
Read more on NBC 7 San Diego
DRUGS & CHILDREN: Parents 'under-concerned, overly-confident'
Helpless: 1 in 5 parents admitted they didn't know where to turn for help if their child had a drug or alcohol problem. 1 in 5 said they would talk to their primary care physician, but fewer than 20 percent of physicians surveyed considered themselves …
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Hazelden study compares parental concern, drug abuse
Don't know where to turn for help — Approximately one in five parents (18%) admitted they did not know where to turn for help if their child did struggle with alcohol or other drug abuse. One in five (20%) said they would seek out their primary care …
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