Did Jesus Suffer Drug/Alcohol Addiction?
Question by Aaron: Did Jesus suffer Drug/Alcohol addiction?
I have heard this a million times in the church. I dont know if it is actually in the Bible or not. Ive heard many pastors and christians say that
Jesus understands the pain we go through here on earth. He understands all of our hardships because when he was alive he experienced it too. He knows what its like thats why he died on the cross for us.
One of the main problems I have had in my life is drug addiction and depression. Was Jesus, The one and only Living God a drug addict? How could he have known what this is like? I know he drunk wine and there is a small part of the Bible right before he dies when he is offered sweet wine from the Roman Soldiers. He refused the wine and said he will not drink again until he is in heaven with his father. Do you think this may evidence to some sort of alcohol/drug dependence or addiction?
Another thing I just remembered. Rape victims. Was Jesus ever raped? How could Jesus know what its like to get raped? Did he experience this while he was alive on earth? I know this is not in the bible but do you think its possible for Jesus to have been raped? What about the pain and guilt for caused by hurting someone else and making them a victim. Does Jesus know what this is like? I talked to a guy who raped one of his family members, he didnt seem like a bad guy. He sounded very apologetic and couldnt stop talking about how he wished he never have done something so horrible, even though he never was caught and faced no jail time or any punishment for it except for the guilt.
If jesus never sinned how could he know what that felt like?
Can anyone find evidence for this in the bible?
I would prefer replies to believers in God or people who actually like to read the bible.
Im so lost….
@ Sheaperd There is a very famous pastor named Charles Stanley. He has a TV show, radio show, multiple books and a huge church in Atlanta, Georgia. I have heard him say this many, many times.
Not only that Ive heard my own pastor at my old church say this, You can call me a lair but you would be wrong to do so. I am seriously looking for answers here, and if you are in denial you can just lookup Dr. Charles Stanley’s work.
Best answer:
Answer by Michael the Friendly Neanderthal
Tons of Jesus in Mexico by the pound. Yes, they are drug and alcohol addicts.
Answer by Maka
hello? hes god. he knew everything.
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