Could You Forgive a Family Member Who Had a Drug Addiction ?
Question by magicbutterfly: Could you forgive a family member who had a drug addiction ?
If you grew up in a houseold where drugs and drinking were apart of daily life and you parents did some hurtful things but are clean and sober today could you forgive them?
Best answer:
Answer by ahmed kader
yea ofcourse
Answer by tye706
Well i did because they are not on drugs and is doing better. If this is your case then you should also.
Show peddlers visuals of how drug addicts suffer, says court
The court said, “Not only drug addicts, but family members also suffer pain and agony… while they undergo sentence in jail, they should be taken to hospitals or drug de-addiction centres, periodically, so that they may themselves witness/feel the pain …
Read more on Indian Express
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