Centre Rehab

Report: Woman Dead of Overdose Found in Home Bought by Irsay

Report: Woman dead of overdose found in home bought by Irsay
The Star adds: "The source familiar with NFL operations told the Starthe league likely would want to look at anything that could shed further light on Irsay's drug use and associations: How long has he been abusing prescription drugs?… Continue reading

Kill Rats, Have Beer; New Zealand University Launch Beer Trap to Help Keep

Kill Rats, Have Beer; New Zealand University Launch Beer Trap to Help Keep
As expected, there are concerns the chosen incentive to students would promote the rise of alcoholic drinking and addiction in the university. "I don't think it's an issue because I don't think anyone's going to catch… Continue reading

Vietnam Vets: After the Vietnam War Ended What Were Some Mental Issues You Had to Deal With?

Question by : vietnam vets: after the vietnam war ended what were some mental issues you had to deal with?
I have a humanities report due about what were some physiological issues vets had to deal with upon coming home from the war. Such as suicide, drug addiction, alcohol addiction,… Continue reading

Demi Lovato Still Helping Joe Jonas Get Over Drug Addiction

Demi Lovato Still Helping Joe Jonas Get Over Drug Addiction — Joe Jonas’ alleged drug addiction has been splashed all over the tabloids as of late. Then earlier this month, in a New York Magazine profile, the 24-year-ol…

Judge recommends Iraq veteran with PTSD and drug addiction get help in… Continue reading

Why Do My Parents Enable My Drug Addict Brother?

Question by : Why do my parents enable my drug addict brother?
My 27 year old brother is a long-term meth addict and really an all-around degenerate. He is a total parasite who remorseleslly squanders my aging parents’ resources on drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, gas, legal fees… Continue reading

Is There an Online Support Group for People With a Family Member That Is Struggling With Drug Addiction?

Question by fake_blonde: Is there an online support group for people with a family member that is struggling with drug addiction?
I have a loved one with a substance abuse problem and it has taken its toll on me emotionally over the years. I was wondering if… Continue reading