Can 'Love Hormone' Protect Against Addiction?
Can 'Love Hormone' Protect Against Addiction?
Researchers at the University of Adelaide say addictive behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse could be associated with poor development of the so-called "love hormone" system in our bodies during early childhood. The idea resulted from a review of …
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ERs Dispensing More Narcotic Painkillers: Study
Experts said the trend is concerning because narcotic painkillers — which include drugs like OxyContin, Percocet and Vicodin — can be addictive, or abused by people with existing drug problems. And while the drugs may be necessary for more-severe …
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Drug Testing For Food Stamp Recipients To Become Law?
The bill does not require DHS to train the workers to detect drug abuse and does not specify who would pay for that training should DHS decide to do it. The applicants would also have to pay for their own drug testing. The governor has not said if he …
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Drugs & Addiction : What Is the Difference Between Drug Dependency & Addiction? — Drug dependency and addiction go hand in hand, as addiction occurs simultaneously with the body becoming physically dependent on its properties. Understand t…
Related Drug Addiction Occurs When Information…