Cam Penner June 2008

Cam Penner June 2008 – Born into a mennonite community in Southern Manitoba, his parents, the town rebels ran an illegal roadhouse on the outskirts of town, brought in bands and set fire to the dancefloor. His grandpa, a bootlegger, delivered his homemade goods down the gravel covered back roads of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. At eighteen Cam left the prairies and made his way south to Chicago. While living there he ran a soup kitchen and started working with the homeless. From there he moved North back to Canada where he continued working with the homeless at various shelters, soup kitchens, and detox centres. Now, a full time musician and songwriter, Cam carries with him these life experiences as he embarks on his musical journey. Cam Penner live. Unvarnished, tale telling songs of misguided love, endless nights and long hauls through the prairies. Cam (guitar, harmonica, vocals) has been penning these kinds of songs for the last ten years. Songs about real people, real situations, sufferin’ and laughin: Laughin’ at your sufferin’ kinda songs. These are songs inspired by rolling fields, vast skies, the long road home and cold, Canadian nights. For the last year Cam has been focusing his attention on writing and touring as a solo artist he has also, ironically, found himself homeless. After sinking the rest of his savings and the money he made from selling his house into his new album ?Felt Like a Sunday Night? he has been on the road. A friend?s couch or a relative?s spare bed has been a


Susan Dalgety: Going green is killing us
Filed under: detox centres

The Centre for Policy Studies think-tank has called the methadone programme “nationalised drug dealing”. It suggests that real recovery will only come from residential detox and abstinence-based rehabilitation, as does the National Treatment Agency for …
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Dad reveals he has been on methadone for 30 years
Filed under: detox centres

FORMER addict Paul Innes was on methadone for years – but only got drug-free after going on a detox programme. The 33-year-old now works for addiction charity Team Challenge and runs an outreach centre for recovering addicts in Fraserburgh.
Read more on Scottish Daily Record


Kiran Bedi suggests united coalition against corruption
Filed under: detox centres

"I have no doubt that Anna as soon as he completes his detox retreat (in Bangalore) he will take stock of these needs and deal with them. For we must check the drift and the blurr as soon as possible," she said. In a tweet, she admitted that the …
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