Australian Pharmacies Prepare to Stock a New Version of OxyContin That Is

Australian pharmacies prepare to stock a new version of OxyContin that is
Chemists have been warned their shops could be robbed by drug addicts desperate to get the last supplies of the old OxyContin tablets — also known as hillbilly heroin — so they can crush it for injection or sniffing. It has been estimated almost half …

Prescription Drug Abuse Increases on US Campuses
OxyContin is a narcotic pain reliever that was introduced in 1995. It is now a widely abused drug among college students nationwide. In fact, it's considered the most abused prescription drug in the United States. Each year, the number of students …
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16×9 – Dying By Prescription: Oxycontin controversy — Part 1 – Oxycotin was touted as a miracle, pain relief with few side effects and less addictive than morphine. Soon it was the most prescribed drug in Canada…

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