Are All Babies of Drug-Addicted Parents Born With…?
Question by : Are all babies of drug-addicted parents born with…?
Like, a drug addiction them selfs or mental challenges or stuff like that? Because my mom was addicted to a drugs (all diffrent kinds) even before she was pregnant with me… and my parents didn’t want me so they didn’t really care if they had a miscarriage… but they didn’t… and I wasn’t born addicted to crack or any thing… and as far as I no I’m don’t have some mental challenge… tho my parents kicked me out of our howse so I was on my own at 13 and couldn’t register for a school sinse I was a minor so I stopped school in 8th grade so I’m pretty stupid any way… but it ain’t because I have like, a lerning disability… tho I’ve never been tested for it, ’cause… like I said… they didn’t care what happened to me….
I’m 20 now and like, still alive… no muscle spasms, no mental issues (far as I no), no drug addict (after watching my mom die of an overdose when I was 10, I hated them)… is that normal? ‘Cause I read some where that all babies born of druggies have some type of problem… but I don’t….
What’s rong with me? The lack of some thing being rong with me is my problem? That’s pretty screwed up, ain’t it tho?
Ps— sorry about all the spelling mistakes… like I said…. no education…. sorry :/
Best answer:
Answer by FrostFaerie
you said your parents kicked you out at 13? yet later you say your mom died when you were 10? :s how does that work?
in answer to your question – yes all babies born to drug addicted mothers will have some lasting effects. how much depends on many factors. like what drugs were being taken, for how long and how much, the mothers nutrition and other lifestyle factors, if she had any kind of prenatal care or not etc etc.. if your mother was a regular drug user throughout her pregnancy its likely that you would have been born with some amount of addiction to those substances. though if she really didnt care like you say, she probably didnt care that you then went cold turkey off those drugs once you were born and so you just got through it the hard way in your first few weeks of life.
you may well have impared brain function but having never been tested its impossible to say to what extent. just be thankful that despite a difficult start you have come through it relatively unharmed.
but just for a moment think about how much care it takes to raise a baby at all, no matter how well you do it, the fact that she did have substance abuse problems yet she still managed to keep you alive says alot about the fact she actually did care about you, even if how she raised you was impaired by her drug addiction im sure she still did the best she could given the situation.. addiction is a horrible thing and without any help its a bit of a losing battle.. im not saying that makes it ok to have and raise a child in those conditions, just that im sure she did what she could for you under the difficult circumstances.
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