Alcohol Addiction as a Disease – KELOLAND TV

Alcohol Addiction As A Disease – KELOLAND TV
Filed under: Addiction Treatment


Alcohol Addiction As A Disease
Joan Swenson now works at TLC Tallgrass, an alcohol rehab and addiction treatment center. It's a job she loves because of the issue at the heart of the facility hits close to her heart. "I was drinking vodka out of a water bottle," Swenson said. "The

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Heroin on the rise in Hamilton says new treatment centre – Hamilton Spectator
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Heroin on the rise in Hamilton says new treatment centre
Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton's latest addiction centre is finding heroin a bigger problem here than in the other Ontario cities it provides treatment for opiate dependencies. Addiction Centre Toronto (ACT) has locations in Scarborough, Kingston, Peterborough and Toronto.

Addiction Treatment – Google News


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