Addiction: 60 Minutes' First Live Facebook Chat
Addiction: 60 Minutes' first live Facebook chat
Filed under: veterans alcohol rehab
Someone in my family has been gravely affected and is now in rehab. Dr. Volkow, NIDA: Jake, I am sorry to hear about your family's situation. There are effective treatments for painkiller addiction that veterans can take advantage of, which may include …
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Bridging the Gap benefit for veterans
Filed under: veterans alcohol rehab
He finally went to rehab and has since been clean and sober. He also had a mission in life, to help fellow veterans in the same situation. "There was no place for me to find help," he said. "I want to make sure others seeking help can find it.
Rep. Favors: Session Wrap
Filed under: veterans alcohol rehab
Veterans' preference points in civil service hiring (SB2246, Norris/Haslam): Democrats fought to reinstate veterans' preference in civil service hiring after it was initially left out of the Governor's TEAM Act. Study of dangerous high-alcohol …
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