If 22% of ALL Children in the USA Live in Poverty, and the Upward Trend Continues, What’s……………?
Question by : If 22% of ALL children in the USA live in poverty, and the upward trend continues, what’s……………?
……….this country going to look like in 50 years?
Of the 22%, 72% live in single parent homes.
The percentage of births to unmarried women under 30 has steadily increased in the past few
decades, from 5.3 percent in 1960 to 36.8 percent in 2005, to 53% in 2012. Among African Americans, that number stands at a staggering 74%!!! Shocking!
Children who grow up in poverty are more likely to become teenage parents, drop out of high school, serve time in jail, abuse alcohol or drugs and as adults, live in poverty themselves.
Why has this become the new norm? It’s not the divorce rate because these children are born to single mothers.
Are government welfare programs, while well intended, actually encouraging single parenthood? For a person who qualifies, the government will feed the mother during pregnancy, feed the infant from birth, feed the child with no restrictions or time limits, until that child becomes an adult.
If you add the cost of government funds for health care, food, child care, free breakfast and lunch programs, and any one of the other 120 programs to help the poor, the dollar amount would easily exceed $ 20,000 per year.
Who needs a daddy?
If this continues to trend upwards, what will this country look like in 50 years?
Gee Iris, Do you have a complex or something? Did I mention Republicans or Democrats? This is a problem that affects everyone in one way or the other.
Gee Iris, Do you have a complex or something? Did I mention Republicans or Democrats? This is a problem that affects everyone in one way or the other.
Best answer:
Answer by Melissa
The lefts war on poverty has been a roaring success hasn’t it?
Answer by iris054
Democrats take more personal responsibility than Republicans. Democrats have higher levels of education and are maintaining the traditional American values of hard work and family values. Republicans are more promiscuous, fat, gluttonous, lazy, uneducated, and more prone to divorce and shootings. Republicans are preaching personal responsibility, family values, self-reliance and small government, while engaging in risky behavior, failing to form stable families, and reaping federal subsidies.
See the charts here and scroll down to the lengthy bibliography.
The Welfare-queen states are the red states
Red States are Welfare Queens – Business Insider
Red states are biggest moochers
Red States Receive Most of Welfare Taxpayers Dollars
10 States That Rely The Most On Food Stamps: USDA
Blue states support red states
The red state ripoff
The red states receive more welfare than the blue states: http://democraticactionteam.org/redstatesocialism/index.html
P.S. The “War on Poverty” was an LBJ thing and it was very successful.
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