How Many Times of Accupunture Can Be Done to Stop Alcohol Addiction and Smoking?

Question by Angel Maykhalar: How many times of accupunture can be done to stop alcohol addiction and smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by billepplerkfc

Answer by TC
Accupunture is often a very slow yet effective process. When choosing an acupunturist try finding one that specializes in addiction or has treated patients with addictions before. They most likely will prescribe chinese herbs to be used in conjunction with accupunture.
Accupunture has a very different philosophy as compared to general western medicine. They believe that there is a blockage in the body (not only a blockage caused by alcohol/smoking but a blockage that caused the addiction to occur in the first place) therefore, accupunture will first aim to heal the damage caused by the addiction and then the reason for the addiction. This can take a while because it deals with the problems from a deeper root. Accupunture aims to stop these blockages to get the body back to functioning correctly. I dont know where you are located but if you happen to live in melbourne, australia try the Sun Clinic in East Bentleigh. Its specialises in curing addictive behaviours. Bascially every person is different and there is not really a set time that can be said to ‘cure’ you but i reckon you would have to give it at least 2 months of weekly visits before you notice a dramatic change – you will probably then have to have ‘upkeep’ appointments once a month for at least a year. Everyone is different though. Good luck!

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