Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers | Oklahoma Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers | Oklahoma Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers – http://rehabinoklahoma.net Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers treat patients with drug, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and other additions through counseling, sober l…
A Third of Children with Autism have Symptoms of ADHD: Study Says
Filed under: dual diagnosis treatment centers
"We are increasingly seeing that these two disorders co-occur and a greater understanding of how they relate to each other could ultimately improve outcomes and quality of life for this subset of children," said Dr. Rebecca Landa, director of the …
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Siemens Introduces Continuous FlowMotion PET•CT
Filed under: dual diagnosis treatment centers
"The system's FlowMotion anatomy-based scanning approach helps enable physicians to make a more confident diagnosis based on high quality images for each patient, as well as accurate and reproducible quantification for treatment planning and monitoring …
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