'Doing the Best I Can' Talks With Poor Urban Dads About Unwed Fatherhood

'Doing the Best I Can' talks with poor urban dads about unwed fatherhood
Filed under: heroin treatment centers

We'd sit down for an hour and a half at a time; I was blown away by how quickly they'd be eager to share intimate details from their lives—their relationships, sex lives, history of drug use and so forth—because someone wanted to take their …
Read more on PW-Philadelphia Weekly


Pain pill shortage drives Fla. drug addicts to heroin
Filed under: heroin treatment centers

In 2012, Broward County — just a few years ago considered the center of the pill mill problem — addiction treatment centers saw an 87 percent spike in admissions among addicts using heroin as their drug of choice, jumping from 169 to 316, according …
Read more on Florida Today


Underwear model sent to prison for purse theft
Filed under: heroin treatment centers

During Konchek's Portsmouth Circuit Court arraignment, she said she moved from Massachusetts to “get away from drugs,” but found “more here” and wanted to “go to rehab.” Konchek's … Both, according to police prosecutors, were heroin users. Konchek's …
Read more on Seacoastonline.com


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