Addiction Treatment: Addiction and Insurance | Video
Addiction and Insurance | Video
Filed under: Addiction Treatment
If you have a heart attack and go to the emergency room you likely won`t have much trouble getting your insurance provider to cover the necessary treatment. The same goes for diabetes or cancer. But more Americans suffer from addiction than are affected by those three diseases combined.
Addiction Treatment – Yahoo! News Search Results
654 Habilitat is Americas Most Successful Addiction Treatment Facility – Habiltat, founded in 1971 has been on the cutting edge of treating addictions for over 42 years. Habilitat has a success rate over three times the national average. The national average of success is 16.9% after 90 days and Habilitat is 63% after five years. Habilitat has the same basic belief system as FasterEFT and uses FasterEFT as a treatment. When you want results call Habilitat. They refuse to accept the fallacy that addiction is a disease but rather a choice built from life experiences If you know anyone who needs help call 800-872-2525
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