Elementary Episode 15 Review: A Giant Gun, Filled With Drugs

Elementary episode 15 review: A Giant Gun, Filled With Drugs
Filed under: drug rehab clinic

John Hannah guested this week as Holmes' ex-dealer Rhys, a Scot on the run from the Dominican drug cartel he'd relieved of a couple of million dollars not two years hence. The kidnapping of Rhys' daughter led him to Sherlock's brownstone, where he did …
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Brewers' Braun used Florida clinic owner as drug appeal consultant
Filed under: drug rehab clinic

“Following my foot injury in March 2011, I consulted with a number of experts, including BioGenesis Clinic, for (cont),” Cervelli posted, “(cont)legal ways to aid my rehab and recovery. I purchased supplements that I am certain were not prohibited by …
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Kingwood Town Hall Meeting – Our meeting tonight in Kingwood to discuss stopping a drug rehab clinic in a residential subdivision. This young man was extremely upset that the community would oppose this facility.


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