University Encourages Safety on Stop Day
University encourages safety on stop day
Filed under: alcohol detox centre
Some will use the day to rest or study and others will use it to detox after celebrating the semester's close tonight. “We know it's a traditional party night,” said Frank DeSalvo, associate vice provost for student affairs. “We're not really asking …
Read more on University Daily Kansan
What is the Street to Home Partnership?
Filed under: alcohol detox centre
In the last decade, The Guidance Center has developed an Intake Triage Unit (now called an Alcohol Stabilization Unit), which offers detox services and is supposed to offer “wrap-around” services to street alcoholics in the city.
Read more on Arizona Daily Sun
Ties turn toxic between state, Valley CSB over detox center
Filed under: alcohol detox centre
STAUNTON — At odds over the long-term future of the New Hope Detox Center, state officials and Valley Community Services Board are trading criticism over financial record-keeping, integrity and the hiring of a $ 104000-a-year psychiatrist who spends 10 …
Read more on Staunton News Leader
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