Addiction Treatment: Infants Born Addicted to Painkillers Tripled in Last Decade – San Francisco Chronicle

Infants Born Addicted to Painkillers Tripled in Last Decade – San Francisco Chronicle
Filed under: Addiction Treatment


Infants Born Addicted to Painkillers Tripled in Last Decade
San Francisco Chronicle
Addiction Treatment Pregnant mothers addicted to the prescription painkillers, if they enter treatment, usually continue to receive opiates, such as methadone, since stopping the drugs could harm the unborn child and result in a miscarriage,
More babies being born addicted to prescription painkillersDetroit Free Press
A baby is born addicted to drugs about once an hour, study saysBaltimore Sun (blog)
1 addict is born each hour in USThe Keene Sentinel
Fox News –Sacramento Bee
all 250 news articles »

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Should addicts be sterilized? – Salon
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Should addicts be sterilized?
“A lot of people aren't looking for treatment, and until they are, they're not going to do it,” Harris says dismissively. Funds for drug treatment have been slashed over the past two decades, in any case. The main source, the federal Substance Abuse

Addiction Treatment – Google News


The Dilemma of the Pregnant Addict – New York Times (blog)
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

The Dilemma of the Pregnant Addict
New York Times (blog)
Many infants are hospitalized for several weeks while doctors treat them with methadone or morphine to gradually wean them from their dependence on the drugs that their mothers used. It's those same addictions that led to Ada Calhoun's piece The

Addiction Treatment – Google News


New Life Addiction Treatment Center: Drug Rehab, Detox, Alcoholism Treatment in Florida – New Life Addiction Treatment Center: substance drug abuse detox from alcohol and chemical dependencies


Obama drug czar puts more emphasis on treatment
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

National Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske said that it's time to "treat drug addiction as a disease." The administration's strategy seeks a middle ground between drug legalization and an enforcement of drug laws, Kerlikowske said in a speech at the …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle


"Rehab With Dr. Drew" Returns To VH1 To Directly Help Young Adults With Their
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

… by addiction issues in the US According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that an estimated 23.1 million American who were 12 or older needed treatment for …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)


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