4 Benefits of Helping an Addict Into Treatment – PsychCentral.com (Blog)

4 Benefits of Helping an Addict into Treatment – PsychCentral.com (blog)
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

PsychCentral.com (blog)

4 Benefits of Helping an Addict into Treatment
PsychCentral.com (blog)
Helping someone into treatment for addiction is a gift that yields a lifetime of returns for the individual struggling with chemical dependency, but its benefits extend much further than that. Loved ones, typically driven by unselfish motives to help

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Is There Big Value In Addiction Fighting Pharmas? – Trefis
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Is There Big Value In Addiction Fighting Pharmas?
Very slowly, addiction is now being viewed more as a medical condition that can benefit from treatment with certain drugs. The drugs currently available for treatment of addiction are mostly used to ease the symptoms of withdrawal from drug dependence.

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Kentucky Invests Million to Treat Drug Addiction in Prisoners – Corrections.com
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Kentucky Invests $ 7 Million to Treat Drug Addiction in Prisoners
According to the Kentucky Department of Corrections, 30 percent of Kentucky inmates struggling with drug addiction return to jail. But a 2011 study from the University of Kentucky said this figure drops to 20 percent among inmates who receive treatment

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Wellness Matters: Addicts aren’t bad people, but they have a bad problem – and … – KyForward.com
Filed under: Addiction Treatment


Wellness Matters: Addicts aren't bad people, but they have a bad problem – and
We now know that addiction is a chronic brain disease, that brain damage interferes with the addict's ability to respond to talking therapy, and that once the physical brain damage has been repaired, talking therapy and other elements of traditional

Addiction Treatment – Google News


UNM halts plans to build a substance abuse clinic after neighbors protest – Weekly Alibi
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Weekly Alibi

UNM halts plans to build a substance abuse clinic after neighbors protest
Weekly Alibi
There aren't enough opiate treatment centers in Bernalillo County and, as I discovered first-hand, they can have a 20-week waiting list for new patient intake. For recovering opiate abusers trying to get medicine to fight and break their addiction

Addiction Treatment – Google News


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